Botox Treatment for the Chin

The belief that a thicker filler substance is the only way to fix chins is widely held by many people. For patients with chin deficiency, injectables can be used to fill up the chin’s void.

It’s possible to make the chin appear more robust than it is, but there are other factors at play. A deep labiodental crease is the most common result of a receding chin in a patient. Consequently, a patient’s labiodental crease deepens due to a hypertonic mentalis muscle (chin muscle) holding the skin very tightly against the bone, as the bone is small.

In order to raise the chin, the depressor angler muscle pulls the corner of the mouth down, which causes the mentalis muscle to relax. Because the mentalis muscle relaxes this deep furrow and reduces the size of the chin, injecting only the mentalis muscle will have the desired effect of reducing the chin’s size.

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